Monday, October 25, 2010

This is it

i'm hoping the day could  shine all day long,
but still there goes rainstorm came out of nowhere,
i planned so well so you couldn't be hurt,
but still you letting yourself  to be wounded,

why the so-called-masterpiece so fragile?
or i'm just over sensitive?
i don't want to start all this over again, but it can't be avoided.
this is too much,
this is too much.

i didn't restrict you to do what you want to do,
but just remember what you shouldn't do and never ever do,

some said, man can't be trusted,
but so does women.
so does women.

i ask for direction because i'm so lost in my own prediction.

"ya Allah, temu dan satukanlah mereka dengan lelaki-lelaki yang beriman, teguh pegangan, berhati lembut dan mampu membimbing ke jalan-Mu yang lurus." 


Muhamad Ridzuan said...

bro....sabar keyh..ada hikmah dlm semuanya... =)

kuzud™ said...

oyeah! thankyou pal