Thursday, August 20, 2009

a place with an advice

Yesterday, i wet out with a chinese friend, named Anthony. i started to known him since entering USM, here in penang. He came from Sarawak and have pretty high technical skills in Bahasa Melayu. i did invited him to hang around Balik Pulau, which is another side of Pulau Pinang. My intensive is to try "kayak" at a beach located in Balik Pulau, but sadly, person who incharge of the kayak is not around. With some information from local people around, we knew that, they open the kayak for rent only on Saturday and Sunday every evening. And so there, im frustrated.

Then, we both moved on along the road, enjoying the beautiful scenaries, from hillsside to the sea. Its pretty damn awesome, and yeah, it changes abit my impression towards Pulau Pinang, which for me, wasn't so good to visit, before. Pulau Pinang still have some place which is hided from the busyness of life. i drove my blue little kancil with Anthony sitting beside, we move on hill, and went to town of Balik Pulau. It really does a "secretly build town" for me. The place is surrounded by mountains and hills. i found out that, theres alot "Tradisional Malay Houses" that still untouch around here. "Bumbung Gajah Menyusu" which describe in english as "Milking Elephant Roof" (lol) still can be found here, which for me, is pretty hard to find nowdays. i didn't bring my camera, so i borrow from Anthony to captured photo of the house.

Before that we went in a banana farms, the real intensive is, to find a good spot to enjoy sunset view near the sea. And it all end up with us, tresspassing banana farms. We stop at a spot which is near with a stranded building, the place is opposite with thin layer of mangroves. We sat around there, observing, chitchat, and enjoying the sunset. Few minutes before the sun submerged into the sea, we moved and planning to have dinner in Georgetown. Anthony wants to eat at stimbot, while i, dont care much what to eat, as long as its halal food.

When we arrived at Georgetown, Anthony notice a stimbot shop which he had been with his friends before. He really wants to try again to eat again at that place, which is not comfortable place for me, because it has non-halal food served. He asked me to park our ride, and he excitedly went off to that stimbot shop, and i just follow him...i felt very hesitated about the place. When we entered the place, all my thoughts is correct! the place is full non-muslim and food is mixed with non-halal, which is :- pork. My friend was very excited, he paid for 2 persons, im very shocked at the time, i dont planned to eat along with him at that stimbot in the first place. i try to make him feel comfortable, by pretending like im okay, when i think about it again, i shouldn't follow him to stop the car earlier.

i try to pick food that i recognize as halal, crab, fishball, and prawns. Before we start to boil foods, a shop worker was curious to see me at that shop, he ask me about my religion, after he knows that im a muslim, he helped me out by selecting the halal food. Alhamdulillah, maybe Allah sent His helped in another forms for me. Anyway, i still hesitated. We chitchat and start to boil the food. i didn't eat food that been boiled, because its mixed with food that really hesitate to eat, i just fried prawns and crabs with planta (vegies oils) on a pieces of aluminium that planted around the steel boil container. We ate and chitchat about many current and past issues. After full-stomach, i went to toilet, and again i met the worker which had help me earlier with halal food, we having a short conversation at in front of the toilet. i learnt very important lessons from him. He did gave me a good advice relating about life and religious stuff. Thank god, yesterday is a very meaningful day to me.

i pray to Allah, wishing he (the worker) being bless with the goodness and hopefully enjoying a great life, now and afterward.

p/s: i probably will attached the picture of tradisional malay house which i found at Balik Pulau later.

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